crocodiles, of these tortoises, of these flying reptiles,
of these immense megalosauri of these monstrous
plesiosauri, that some small mammifera are said to be
first detected. It is certain that jaw bones, and some
bones discovered in England belong to this class, and
particularly to the family of dideiphides, or those of
insectivorous animals.
It may, however, be suspected that the stones which
incrust them have originated from some local
recomposition subsequent to the epoch of the
formation of these layers. However that may be, we
find still that the reptile tribe predominated
exclusively for a long time.
The ferruginous sands placed in England above the
chalk, abound with crocodiles, tortoises, megalosauri,
and particularly with a reptile which presents the
singular character of using his teeth like our
herbivorous mammifera.
Mr. Mantell, of Lewes, in Sussex, discovered this
peculiar animal, as well as other large reptiles, in the
sands beneath the chalk. He named it the iquanodon.
In the chalk itself there are only reptilia, we find
remains of tortoises and crocodiles. The famous soft
sandstone quarries (carrières de tuffau)of the mountain
of St. Peter, near Maestricht, which belong to the
formation of chalk, have given beside the very large
sea tortoises and a vast quantity of shells and marine
zoophytes, a genus of lizards, not less gigantic than the
megalosauri, which has become famous from the
researches of Camper, and by the figures which Faujus
has given of its bones in his history of this mountain.
It was upwards of twenty-five feet long; its great
jaws were armed with very strong teeth, conical.