of the hyena, which are also met with in many layers
of alluvial deposites, together with the pachydermata:
consequently they are of the same age; but there is yet
much difficulty in deciding how they differ from the
present breeds of similar animals.
The clefts of the rocks of Gibraltar, Cette, Nice,
Uliveta, near Pisa, and others on the banks of the
Mediterranean, are filled with a red and firm cement,
which envelopes fragments of rock and fresh water
shells, with many bones of quadrupeds, for the most
part fractured, and which have been called osseous
brecciæ. The bones which fill them some times present
characteristics sufficient to prove that they have,
belonged to animals unknown at least in Europe. We
find there, for instance, four species of deer, three of
which have characteristics in their teeth observable
only in the deer of the Indian Archipelago.
There is a fifth race known, near Verona, whose
antlers exceed in spread those of the deer of
We also find in particular places, with the bones of
the rhinoceros and other quadrupeds of this epoch,
those of a deer so closely resembling the rein-deer,
that it is difficult to assign distinguishing characters to
it; and what is still more extraordinary, rein-deer are
confined to the coldest climates of the north, whilst
the whole genus of the rhinoceros belongs to the torrid
zone. (2)
There are in the layers of which we were speaking,
remains of a species very similar to the fallow-deer,
but a third larger,(3) and quantities of horns very