We must perceive that in the midst of such
in the nature of the liquid, the animals which it
nourished could not remain the same. The species,
their very genus, changed with the layers; and,
although at short intervals we may meet with a
recurrence of similar species, it is correct to say, in a
general sense, that the shells of the ancient layers have
their peculiar shapes, which are gradually lost, and not
found again in recent layers, still less in the sea itself,
where we never detect analagous species, nor are many
of the species itself found; that the shells of recent
layers, on the contrary, resemble in genus those still to
be found in our seas, and that in the most recent and
most shifting of these layers, and in certain lakes and
more limited deposites, there are some species which
the most practised eye cannot distinguish from those to
be found on neighbouring coasts.
There has
been in animal nature a succession of
changes which has been occasioned by those of the
liquid in which the animals lived, or which at least
have had relation to them, and these variations have
gradually brought the classes of aquatic animals to
their present state: in fact, when the sea finally quitted
the continent, its inhabitants differed but very little
from those which it now produces.
We say, finally
quitted, because
if we scrutinize
with the most exact care these relics of organic beings,
and discover amidst marine layers, even the most
ancient, layers composed of animal or vegetable
productions of the earth and soft water; and amongst
the most recent layers, that is the most superficial, we
shell find those in which terrestrial animals are buried
beneath masses of marine productions. Thus the
various catastrophes which have shaken the layers have
not only produced by