temperament. Their language is monosyllabic, — their
writing is arbitrary hierogiyphics, — they have only a
political morality, without religion, for the
superstitions of Fo were brought to them from the
Indians. Their yellow complexion, projecting
cheekabones, their narrow and oblique eyes, and scanty
beard, render them so different from us, that we are
tempted to believe that their ancestors and ours
escaped at the great catastrophe by different sides; but,
however that may be, they date their deluge from
nearly the same epoch as our own.
The most ancient book of the Chinese, is called the
Chou-King,(l) which is said to have been compiled by
Confucius, from the fragments of former works, about
2255 years ago. Two centuries later, they say, was the
persecution of letters, and the destruction of the books,
under the emperor Chi Hoangti, who wanted to destroy
the traces of the feudal government, established under
a dynasty previous to his own. Forty years afterwards,
under the dynasty which had overthrown that to which
Chi-Hoangti belonged, a part of the Chou-King was
restored from memory by an old sage, and another was
found in a tomb; but nearly half of it was utterly lost.
But this book, the most authentic of China, begins the
history of this country with Yao, an emperor so
named, who it represents to us as occupied in making
the waters pass away, which being raised as high as
heaven, were still laying the feet of the loftiest
mountains, covering the hills that were less elevated,
and rendered the