will more fully determine the structure of the bones. It
may be seen that we could draw equally just
conclusions for the hinder quarters, which contribute
to the rapidity of the general movements; as to the
formation of the body, the shape of the vertebræ,
which influence the ease and flexibility of the motions;
as to the form of nasal bones, of the socket of the eye,
of the ear, whose mutual relation to the perfection of
the sense of smelling, seeing, and hearing, are so
palpable. In a word, the formation of the tooth
bespeaks the structure of the articulation of the jaw,
that of the scapula, that of the claws, just as the
equation of a curve involves all its properties; and in
taking each property separately, as the basis of a
particular equation, we shall find again both the
ordinary equation and all the other certain properties:
so the claw, the scapula, the articulation of the jaw,
the thigh bone, and all the other bones separately
considered, require thecertain tooth, or the tooth
requires them reciprocally; and beginning with any
one, he who possessed a knowledge of the laws of
organic economy, would detect the whole animal.
This principle is sufficiently self-evident, in the
usual acceptation, not to require a farther
demonstration; but when we come to apply it, there are
many cases in which our theoretic knowledge of the
mutual relations of the structure would not be
sufficient, if it were not supported by observation.
We see, for instance, very plainly, that hoofed
animals must all be herbivorous, since they have no
means of seizing upon their prey; we see also that,
having no other use for their fore-feet than to support
their bodies, they have no occasion for so powerfully-
framed a shoulder; whence we may account for the
absence of the clavicle and the acromion,